Restricted Substitutes

There is a national shortage of Licensed Substitutes. Malheur ESD is addressing this through hiring and training candidates eligible pursuant to ORS 584-060-0682 (TSPC Restricted Substitute Teaching License). Due to this shortage, TSPC has approved new rules governing the requirements to obtain a Restricted Substitute Teaching License. 

What is a Restricted Substitute Teaching License?

Restricted Substitute Teaching License 

If you have never held a teaching license, or substitute license:

$182 Application fee + $15 portal fee + $61 criminal history verification fee

Note: Results from your background clearance will have to be received prior to subbing for any district. 

*Once you complete a Restricted Substitute Teaching License application, you will need to complete the requirements with the Malheur Education Service District. Click here to go back to Malheur ESD Substitute Requirements 

What Districts can you substitute for? 

Questions regarding substitute teaching? 

Kristia Simmons


Phone:  (541) 473-4833