Driver Education

Contact Info

Jodi Westerberg


Malheur ESD’s program provides teens with classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction. Our Traffic Safety Education course is designed to teach the skills, knowledge, judgment, and attitudes essential for safe and skillful driving. Driver Ed classes are 10 weeks of online instruction, 6 hours behind-the-wheel driving, 6 hours of observation in the car, and an additional 5 hours of driving with a qualified driver. Summer classes may be conducted over a shorter period of time with longer hours.

The Oregon DMV will waive the Driving Test for all 15-17 year old teen students who successfully complete this ODOT approved Driver Education course. The provisional driver license will still be obtained through DMV. All other licensing requirements will apply.

Attention: Instructors Needed!  

Please visit the Instructor Information Page and contact Jodi Westerberg  if you are interested in becoming a Driver's Ed Instructor. The next Instructor Training Course will begin Monday July 17th and go through August 4th.  To register go to Schedule of Courses - Traffic Safety Oregon . Please note that Malheur ESD can help with some/all of the costs involved in completing the course.

Upcoming Course

We are currently providing in person Driver's Ed courses. However, due to a limited number of instructors we can only accept 24 students per course. There is a wait list for upcoming courses and students will be added on a first come, first serve basis. At this point in time, we are about one year out. Please contact Jodi Westerberg, 541-473-4821 to have your student placed on the wait list or for additional information. 

For more information regarding teen driving please visit :

Oregon Department of Transportation : DMV Teen Drivers : Teen : State of Oregon 

Program Details

Course Requirements


$150          Students age 15-17

$75            Students eligible for scholarship

$360          Students 18+ or w/Driver's License